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Mental Healing Through Writing and Reading Fiction.

Mental Healing Through Writing and Reading Fiction.


People who write and read fiction are healthier and happier than those who don’t. If you’re in a dark place right now, reading or writing fiction can help you find meaning and purpose in your life. This article will show you how it’s done!

Mental Health

Mental health is an important part of overall health. Mental illness can affect your physical health, work performance, relationships and family life.

Mental health problems are common in the UK: one in four people will experience a mental health problem each year. If you have a long-term medical condition such as diabetes or heart disease it’s likely that this will also have an impact on your mental wellbeing at some point in time; one study found that people with type 2 diabetes were twice as likely to develop depression compared with those without diabetes.

Fiction As a Therapeutic Tool

Fiction is a safe space to explore ideas and emotions that are difficult to talk about in real life. Reading fiction can help you work through painful life experiences, and writing fiction can do the same for you.

The idea of using literature as therapy isn’t new–it’s been studied since at least the late 1800s. In fact, some researchers argue that reading books offers physical benefits similar to those gained from exercise or meditation: improved health outcomes including lower blood pressure, reduced stress levels and even stronger immune systems.

Healing Through Reading Fiction

Reading fiction is one of the best ways to heal from painful life experiences. You can use it to work through your problems, learn about yourself and other people, or just enjoy some escapism for a while. Fiction books are especially good at helping us understand ourselves better because they allow us to enter into other mindsets and see things from different perspectives than our own.

Reading fiction can also help us understand the world around us more clearly by providing insight into human nature–and for those who struggle with mental illness or depression, this is invaluable because it helps shed light on things that might otherwise seem mysterious or confusing (or even terrifying).

Writing and reading fiction can heal our minds.

Writing and reading fiction can help you process painful life experiences. It’s a way of working through emotions, finding solutions to problems, gaining perspective on your life and feeling connected with other people.

This is because writing fiction allows you to use your imagination in ways that are impossible in real life. You can imagine yourself as someone else (a character) and live their experiences as if they were happening right now–even though they aren’t! You can also create situations which don’t exist anywhere except inside your mind; this allows us writers who have experienced difficult or traumatic events in our pasts but no longer wish them upon ourselves any chance of escape from those things while still making sure they stay firmly out of reach by never allowing them into our present reality again — no matter how tempting it might be sometimes…

Writing and reading fiction can help you work through painful life experiences.

Writing and reading fiction can help you work through painful life experiences.

Because fiction is a safe space to explore ideas and emotions that are difficult to talk about in real life, it allows you to understand your own feelings better. It also helps you understand other people’s feelings by giving you insight into their point of view. You might find yourself relating with fictional characters who have similar experiences or reactions as yours; this will allow them to become friends in your mind, even if they don’t exist outside of the pages of a book!

Fiction is a safe space to explore ideas and emotions that are difficult to talk about in real life.

Fiction is a safe space to explore ideas and emotions that are difficult to talk about in real life. As a writer, you can use fictional characters as your vehicle for learning about yourself and others.

Fiction allows us the opportunity to experience what it’s like for someone else–a process known as “empathy.” When we read about another person’s experiences, we learn not just what they did but how they felt along the way. Fiction also gives us an insight into how other people think or feel about certain topics; this helps us understand them better so that we can communicate effectively with them later on (or at least avoid conflict).


Fiction can be a powerful tool for healing our minds and working through painful experiences. It can also help us to understand ourselves and others better by allowing us to explore ideas and emotions that are difficult to talk about in real life. If you’ve never tried reading or writing fiction before, why not give it a shot today? You might just find something amazing happening inside yourself!

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